Saturday, June 2, 2007


well, decided to include some basic photo composition tips in my blog... not say that i am a good photographer or that i take good photos, but hope ppl can pick up some basic skills (so that when ppl help me take photos of me, it wont be all weird and all.. haha)

i'll start of with simple (but constantly overlooked) stuff : frame orientation.
the pic below is in potrait orientation. the other (very commonly used orientation is landscape)

alot of ppl ALWAYS use landscape... as u can tell from my past posts, i kinda have a moderate dislike of landscape... then u ask , wat can the potrait orientation be used for?? the obvious answer is: TO TAKE POTRAITS OF PPL !!! DUH! (the name suggest ppl should take shots of ppl in this orientation mah, but all lazy to tilt the camera)... the difference with a potrait shot is it can capture more of a person in a shot. because we are built vertically more than horizontally, by taking potrait, the person will occupy a greater % of space of the frame (head to abt mid torso usually?) ... as compared to landscape, u only get the face, leaving alot of free space (= more backgrd clutter).. again, not say that i am a pro / zai kia, but i think ppl should experiment more with potrait orientation rather that holding the camera so that u can read the words on the menu rite while u take a picture.

next up will be abt usage of space in a frame.... and how to 'frame' ur shots with space.. eheh... sounds cheem.. lol

*this was taken in the early morning, watching sunrise in darwin... the "models" look energetic, but actually all 4 bei nuah from the lack of slp :)

1 comment:

sam said...

well, someone has obviously learnt how to put his camera to *ahem* practical use.

you're becoming sneakier nok.