Monday, February 11, 2008

"are you ok?"

Honestly, what kind of stupid question is that?
lets just analyse this shall we?

Assume my reply is the truth : "NO."
what follows next? you fret, thinking,

o dear, what am i suppose to do?
its been months already, why hasn't he gotten over it?
why is he putting me in a spot?
i don't know him that well, why does he want me to say?

"O... im sorry to hear that, is there anything i can do? you want to talk about it?"

what am i going to say!?!?!?
hmm, actually i cant talk for long, i got to rush off soon, got meeting at YIH...

PLS... someone come over so that it wont be too awkward...
i shouldn't have asked him in the first place....

what you are expecting to hear is the "model" answer:
"o, i am fine, thanks for asking."

ok. hmm, what should i have for lunch? KFC? but that will bring out pimples...
wah, i just dun noe how to do the tutorial. like that i cannot get A for my module liao,
then my dad wont buy me the BMW, only get the toyota. How? so unfair....
and it goes on and on.

so do the both of us a favour, dun ask the question..

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